PK9 Online Dog Training Video Library

PK9 Online the ultimate destination for online dog training. For just $50 each month, you get access to every training video and webinar in our library, with more being added regularly. Your PK9 Online membership also gets you access to our members-only Facebook group. Connect with like-minded dog owners and ask our trainers questions – perfect for maintaining momentum and motivation with your training.

Upon joining, you’ll also get to enjoy the following:

  • A safe and supportive community where you can ask questions, share your learning experiences, and get help when needed.
  • Ongoing support from our team of experts after watching any of our videos. (You can post any questions or videos of your training sessions to make the coaching personalized)
  • Regular Q&A with world-class trainers for all training needs.
  • Monthly video series to keep up with the latest in training techniques, products, and more. (vote monthly for what you want to see more…we’ll make it happen!)
  • Access to helpful & high-quality dog services and products we love and use at discounted rates.
    Members-only Merch.

And much much more!